Channel ID: -21721881
Channel Name: P-Trade
Listener: Chastot Riraille
Session started: 2014.04.30 19:11:01
[ 2014.04.30 19:11:01 ] EVE System > Channel MOTD: Chanell for Trade amongst Provi Blue's.No scamming allowed - be fair.If you are KOS in Providence, you are likely to get kicked from the channel. It would be nice if you would just leave it. If anyone needs access sorted/removed, please contact DG Ale, Misha Moon, Max Sneak, or Master46664 - if no reply, mail one of the above.Please keep longer chatty conversations to one of the casual chat channels. Thanks.
[ 2014.04.30 19:11:12 ] Chastot Riraille > WTS G-B22J solarsystem
[ 2014.04.30 19:11:18 ] Chastot Riraille >
[ 2014.04.30 19:14:15 ] Hyou Yuki > Chastot Riraille G-B22J price?
[ 2014.04.30 19:14:57 ] Chastot Riraille > mm lets c
[ 2014.04.30 19:15:02 ] Chastot Riraille > make me an offer
[ 2014.04.30 19:15:10 ] Hyou Yuki > 6b
[ 2014.04.30 19:15:11 ] Ladel Teravada > 1m
[ 2014.04.30 19:15:33 ] Ladel Teravada > After all its ratinfested, red and full of carebears
[ 2014.04.30 19:15:43 ] Chastot Riraille > wel i know its an soon to be ex CF system but its brob whorth a bit more
[ 2014.04.30 19:16:12 ] Chastot Riraille > Hyou Yuki you can have it fro 1 bil
[ 2014.04.30 19:16:22 ] Chastot Riraille > [19:15:33] Ladel Teravada > After all its ratinfested, red and full of carebears
[ 2014.04.30 19:16:24 ] Chastot Riraille > +1
[ 2014.04.30 19:17:48 ] Hyou Yuki > ah, i remembered. CF betrayal...
[ 2014.04.30 19:20:22 ] Hyou Yuki > wait, not CF
[ 2014.04.30 19:21:19 ] GROUND XERO > WTB Provi... 10 bil ( and all have to call me MASTER)
[ 2014.04.30 19:21:39 ] Chastot Riraille > it's all utchytotty s fault
[ 2014.04.30 19:22:14 ] Chastot Riraille > she should have disbanded CF
[ 2014.04.30 19:23:28 ] Hyou Yuki > frankly speaking, i'd buy g-b22j for 1b, just for fun, but i suppose CVA will not like that
[ 2014.04.30 19:23:55 ] Hyou Yuki > just because i have no powers to defend it
[ 2014.04.30 19:23:58 ] Chastot Riraille > why not
[ 2014.04.30 19:23:59 ] Jevan Itonula > ship hangar sale, cheap prices: [Multiple Items] [Multiple Items] [Multiple Items] [Multiple Items] [Multiple Items]
[ 2014.04.30 19:24:43 ] Chastot Riraille > Jevan Itonula provi has not even come close to falling and you are already selling all ur ships
[ 2014.04.30 19:24:55 ] Chastot Riraille > you wil need them in the fight against nulli
[ 2014.04.30 19:26:07 ] Hyou Yuki > Chastot Riraille suppose that some red alliance noticed that my carebear alliance owns that system. They set SBUs, jump in on 20 dreads, reinforce/kill TCUs/iHub, while i... can just observe it from my tengu, because there are 1.5 PVPers in our alli :)
[ 2014.04.30 19:26:41 ] Hyou Yuki > i doubt CVA will like some provi system owned by somebody who cannot protect it
[ 2014.04.30 19:26:53 ] Chastot Riraille > wel CF cant
[ 2014.04.30 19:27:00 ] Hyou Yuki > otherwise, i'd buy it :) just because it is interesting - to own system, upgrade it etc
[ 2014.04.30 19:28:31 ] GROUND XERO > so i will give you 1.1 bil
[ 2014.04.30 19:28:31 ] Chastot Riraille > CF cant even defende 1 system and they have 3
[ 2014.04.30 19:28:59 ] Atlas Picard > Jevan Itonula too expensive [Multiple Items] (Item Exchange) (tengu)
[ 2014.04.30 19:29:39 ] Jevan Itonula > might be, i did'nt check
[ 2014.04.30 19:29:44 ] Jevan Itonula > wanna make an offer
[ 2014.04.30 19:31:01 ] Jack Macca > Atlas Picard my young padawan the force is strong in you
[ 2014.04.30 19:31:15 ] Jevan Itonula > changed for 410mil
[ 2014.04.30 19:31:26 ] Chastot Riraille > G-B22J solarsystem stil up fro graps
[ 2014.04.30 19:32:38 ] Jack Macca > wts Apocalypse (Item Exchange) Oracle (Item Exchange) Talos (Item Exchange) Myrmidon (Item Exchange)
[ 2014.04.30 19:32:51 ] Jevan Itonula > Chastot Riraille don't worry, i am only selling overstock ships that I don't use, I have plenty fitted for the war
[ 2014.04.30 19:33:06 ] Chastot Riraille > you better
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